Quotes from 2020 Graduates
"Everyone in Hilbert wants what is best for you and I think that is what makes the students thrive artistically, socially, academically, etc."
"I believe that it was getting to know new people that I realized that first impressions don't always tell the true story because just like me, people change. Both students and staff at Hilbert are full of good and caring people no matter what your first impression may be."
"Without hight school I would not be the person I am today even though I dreaded going to school and had to do homework I learned a lot and had many good experiences that I wouldn't trade for the world."
"Don't be afraid to put yourself out there, you never know the things that you will end up doing that will change your life. When you become the person that you are inside, you become a leader and a role model."
"There is something at Hilbert for you and it may not be what you imagined it but likely it will be better than how you imagined it. Not everything you're going to try is going to be mainstream but follow your interest.
Quotes from 2019 Graduates
“I hope that every student at Hilbert High School realizes how loved they are within their community.”
“Something that I am truly grateful for is the activities and organizations that I have been a part of during high school.”
“As you grow throughout high school, you come to find that being comfortable in your own skin is significantly more valuable than pretending to be comfortable in someone else’s.”
“High school is where you make and lose friends, but the most important thing is not to lose yourself. Be true to who you are!”